Sophie Samyn

Sophie Samyn studied media and theatre studies at the Ghent University (Belgium) during which she specialized in the Nigeria Film making Industry. For her research, she collaborated with Nigerian immigrant filmmakers in Europe. As a result of her interest in migration, she worked for a number of years in migration centres in Italy and Belgium with West-African migrants and unaccompanied minors coming from Libya. Sophie subsequently completed an advanced Masters in Conflict and Development, with final research on the Trafficking of Nigerian Women from Edo State to Europe. She recently started a PhD in social work at Ghent University and is conducting qualitative research on the pathways of hidden homelessness as part of the TRAHOME research project. Alongside Sarah Adeyinka, she recently conducted a research project on the wellbeing of West African women in prostitution in the Schaerbeek municipality of Brussels, a project which was funded by the municipality.